Landscaping Co.

Where to Travel in 2022

December 23, 2021
'Tis the season to start dreaming of all the trips we want to take next year.

And just like that, another extraordinary year nears its end. In between wrapping up the rest of 2021 with subdued holiday gatherings and quiet champagne toasts at home, the mind inevitably wanders. To what could be in 2022. To the trips we may finally get to check off that bucket list, whether it's to see the Scottish countryside from a sumptuous train fit for a royal, or to soak in the same ochre-hued New Mexico landscape that so captivated Georgia O'Keeffe for many years. Or to old haunts we just can't wait to visit again with a fresh perspective and peace of mind. Or to the fabulous new hotels ready to welcome us with superb hospitality and plush digs. These are still uncertain times, but we can dream—and tentatively plan—for the future. Below, 17 of the best destinations to put on the travel list for 2022.Read the full article HERE.

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